“Bro Science” Fact vs. Fiction
1. “You gotta chase the lactic acid burn”
a. First of all, it’s technically lactate
b. The “burn” is likely hydrogen (H+) build up
c. The “burn” certainly can indicate and validate effort
d. The “burn” is a signal of metabolic stress, which is a major factor in hypertrophy
2. “The pump is all that matters”
b. The pump is pooling of fluid (mostly blood) in a localized muscle or muscle group
c. The pump is a can indicate and validate effort
d. Having increased fluid (mostly blood) may help improve recovery between workout sessions
e. There can still be significant hypertrophy without a large pump
3. “More is better”
a. Hypertrophy requires high volume
b. Many people do not push themselves hard enough
c. After about 10 hard sets per session there seems to be a plateau or even drop off in benefit
4. “Lifting heavy is a waste, its all about time under tension (TUT) and the mind muscle” connection”
a. TUT is incredible important and should not be underestimated in its benefits
b. There is a very strong correlation between mind muscle connection and hypertrophy
c. Heavy weights are better at activating type 2 fibers which require high stress to be utilized (hard resistance training usually requires a type 2 fiber emphasis).
5. “Muscle fibers grow by splitting and doubling!”
a. This concept is called hyperplasia
b. Hyperplasia has not been confirmed in humans (there is some weak evidence).
c. There are many animals that go through hyperplasia
d. The main way muscle size increases is through hypertrophy which is an increase in muscle fiber cross sectional area.
As you can see “bro-science” may not be science, but there is some truth and efficacy in its concepts and strategies!